PureVision® Monthly Contact Lenses
PureVision® contact lenses provide crisp, clear vision throughout the day. Approved for daily wear and up to 30 days of continuous wear. See Patinet Information Booklet

PureVision® Monthly Contact Lenses
PureVision® contact lenses, which are made using our unique AerGel® material, deliver exceptional vision with outstanding comfort and health. They allow a high level of oxygen to reach the eyes and resist protein buildup, keeping lenses comfortable all day long. Product information
Recommended Usage
For Nearsightedness, Farsightedness. Also used as a bandage contact lens for corneal protection and corneal pain relief during treatment of ocular pathologies as well as post-surgical conditions. Applications of the Bausch + Lomb PureVision® (balafilcon A) Visibility Tinted Contact Lens include but are not limited to conditions such as the following:
• For corneal protection- in conditions such as entropion, trichiasis, tarsal scars, recurrent corneal erosion and post-surgical ptosis for corneal protection;
• For corneal pain relief- in conditions such as bullous keratopathy, epithelial erosion and abrasion, filamentary keratitis, post-keratoplasty;
• For use as a bandage during healing process of conditions such as chronic epithelial defects, corneal ulcer, neurotrophic keratitis, neuroparalytic keratitis, chemical burns, and post-surgical epithelial defects.
• For post-surgical conditions that include bandage use such as LASIK, PRK, PK, PTK, lamellar grafts, corneal flaps, and additional corneal surgical conditions.
Frequent/Planned Replacement wear
When prescribed for Frequent/Planned Replacement Wear, the PureVision® Contact Lens is to be cleaned, rinsed and disinfected each time it is removed from the patient’s eye and discarded after the recommended wearing period prescribed by the eye care practitioner. The lens may be disinfected using a chemical disinfection system
Disposable wear
When prescribed for Disposable Wear, the PureVision® Contact Lens is to be discarded after
each removal.
Power Range
The lens may be prescribed for Frequent/Planned Replacement or Disposable Wear in
spherical powers ranging from +8.00D to –20.00D when prescribed for up to 30 days of extended wear and from +20.00D to –20.00D for daily wear or extended wear up to 7 days
Bauch & Lomb
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